
Live cattle futures have recovered all the losses from the Tyson plant fire in August. The market now stands at solid resistance from a prior chart consolidation and a 62 percent retracement from highs back in April. I still see the market as being bullish. The fundamental side looks good as packers still have solid...
Agriculture commodity prices have dropped substantially this year. The agriculture commodities consist mainly of the grains, livestock and softs (food).  Some commodities like corn, lean hogs and cocoa had their moments in the sun this year.  Now, most of the agriculture commodities are firmly entrenched in downtrends. The good news is that I suspect many of these...
The excitement in the oil markets have subsided somewhat after the strike on the Iranian General, but the fear of what is coming next still lurks.  These events usually cause a pop higher in the oil markets and volatility spikes. Now, it is trickier to figure out where the crude oil market is heading when the next attack could happen at any...
The price of gold has been trading sideways to lower during the last couple months. This is typical of the gold market after it has a strong run higher and it just can’t get the steady flow of “bad” news to support the ever-increasing prices. Prices have started to bounce slightly in this long-term bull market, but this might not be...
The benefits of managed futures have been widely documented for lowering the overall risk of an investment portfolio, while increasing the opportunity for higher returns.  Institutional investors have made managed futures an increasingly popular investment class during the last couple decades because of this. However, managed futures are virtually unknown to the average investor.  The managed futures investment...
Chuck Kowalski started his career in the futures markets in 1994 trading, advising clients, working with high net worth traders and investors and educating traders. Today, Chuck has retired from his the industry. Now, he is able to devote his efforts to reach a wider range of futures traders that don't necessarily have the large portfolios and expertise of a typical client. Chuck feels this is an undeserved market that is in dire need of learning the proper ways of trading with the proper guidance. Contact Chuck for more information on his Futures Trading Mentoring and Education Programs. Email: chuck@futuresbuzz.com

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